

  1. Project concept
  2. Project Proposal Writing
  3. Project management
  4. Evaluation and reporting
  5. Training

Project concept

  • Detailed formulation of each project idea
  • Identify institutional framework – stakeholders, partners, target groups, beneficiaries, project team, etc.
  • Obtaining complete information on the application rules and conditions

Project Proposal Writing

  • Preparation of the application form in accordance with the requirements.  This may include depending on the source of funding:
    • Objectives, description of activities, expected results;
    • Description of methodology and project internal control and evaluation procedures;
    • Drafting a logical framework, evaluation indicators and risk factors;
    • Budgeting the action
  • Consulting all documents with the client and introducing necessary corrections
  • Assistance in the collection of all additional supporting documents – registration, balance sheets, etc. as required.

Consultation during contracting

  • Ensure the client has complete understanding of the terms and conditions of the contract. Support if necessary contractual changes to reflect the interests of the client within the limitations of the draft contract

Project Management

  • Establishing project team and organizational framework
  • Elaborating communication strategy, internal procedures, information and reporting procedures, etc.
  • Detailed action plan preparation
  • Elaborate financial flow plan
  • Elaboration of procurement documentation and organizing procurement procedures
  • Human resource management
  • Monitoring of implementation
  • Organizing visibility and information activities
  • Financial management of the project

Evaluation and reporting

  • Final evaluation of project implementation
  • Preparing financial reports
  • Preparing complete technical reports


Training for the client’s staff in available on the basis of identified needs in the field of project proposal writing and management


Project concept

Project Proposal Writing

Consultation during contracting

Project management

Evaluation and reporting



Project concept

Detailed formulation of each project idea

Identify institutional framework – stakeholders, partners, target groups, beneficiaries, project team, etc.

Obtaining complete information on the application rules and conditions

Project Proposal Writing

Preparation of the application form in accordance with the requirements. This may include depending on the source of funding:

Objectives, description of activities, expected results;

Description of methodology and project internal control and evaluation procedures;

Drafting a logical framework, evaluation indicators and risk factors;

Budgeting the action

Consulting all documents with the client and introducing necessary corrections

Assistance in the collection of all additional supporting documents – registration, balance sheets, etc. as required.

Consultation during contracting

Ensure the client has complete understanding of the terms and conditions of the contract. Support if necessary contractual changes to reflect the interests of the client within the limitations of the draft contract

Project Management

Establishing project team and organizational framework

Elaborating communication strategy, internal procedures, information and reporting procedures, etc.

Detailed action plan preparation

Elaborate financial flow plan

Elaboration of procurement documentation and organizing procurement procedures

Human resource management

Monitoring of implementation

Organizing visibility and information activities

Financial management of the project

Evaluation and reporting

Final evaluation of project implementation

Preparing financial reports

Preparing complete technical reports


Training for the client’s staff in available on the basis of identified needs in the field of project proposal writing and management