funded under the Program for support of NGOs in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009 – 2014
Tsvete Theatre in partnership with Balkan agency for sustainable development
WHEN? 01.01.2015 – 30.04.2016
WHERE? 16 schools in Sofia
WHAT? Development of a program for high school students from 13 to 17 years to be aware of the European Convention on human rights and their protection by means of drama and theater techniques. The emotional involvement in the analyzed case that art techniques provoke, creates empathy with people whose rights have been violated; motivate youth to real participation in the solving of the problem, they will be trained actively to participate in social life.
A training of 50 teachers from Sofia will help them to implement those techniques, to test the program among 1200 students and issuing of 200 packages with methodical guidance and visual material, allowing multiplication of the project activities. The teachers will enrich with new art techniques their pedagogical “tools”; participants will be able to assist in the management of stress/conflicts or dispute arising among the students; during discussions of the cases of the others will get to know them better and will have the chance to become friends of them. Combating racism, xenophobia, hate speech and intolerance in society are a natural consequence. Results will be presented at the National Conference.