Logistics Skills Transparency Project LIST

Global Objectives:

  1. Enhance the approach used in the previous Transfer of Innovation project CENTRAL by adopting its working methodology.
  2. Apply it to the 2 selected jobs; Warehouse Manager (pharmaceutical logistics industry) and Freight Handler.
  3. Adapt and create the occupational standards for both of them
  4. Design educational standards using the ECVET principles.
  5. Establish transparent Learning Outcomes using the EQF (European Qualifications Framework) descriptors knowledge, skills and competencies, taking into account the NQF (National Quality Framework).
  6. Coaching of national VET (Vocational Education and Training) providers.

Dissemination of project LIST in regional libraries in Bulgaria:
Shumen – 09/08/2014
Gabrovo – 09/30/2014
Targovishte – 02/10/2014
Dobrich – 21/10/2014
Silistra – 10/30/2014
Ruse – 06/11/2014
Stara Zagora – 13/11/2014
Burgas – 27/11/2014
