Project Useful-Usability-Disposability
The invasion of plastic into our lives has left deep wounds. Everybody knows. Mr. Organicy and his relatives from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania and Spain.
Mr. Organicy speaks to the people in their national languages in general to raise their awareness about the invasion of plastic into our households and communities,
lands and waters.
Our heroes are Mr Organicy and his brothers from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania and Spain. They are happy, sad, upset, struggle and dream together or individually around the art land installations which make us see the plastic “garbage” in the right light.
Mr. Organicy is the pink window through which all can see what is going on in a project which teaches us how to give life to some results otherwise very technical.
This project UUD has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.