Erasmus+ Programme - Strategic Partnership
Projekt Nr: 2015-1-PL01-KA204-017074
European Partnership for actions involving people at risk of marginalization
The project focuses on problems whose essence is contained in the guidelines of the “Europe 2020”,in “Inclusive growth – the economy is characterized by a high level of employment and ensuring economic, social and territorial cohesion.” After the analysis of the situation, problems which every European country has to deal with have been indicated. “Big effort will require the fight against poverty and social exclusion and for reducing inequalities in health, so that everyone can benefit from growth. It will be also important to promote a healthy and active aging to bring about social cohesion and higher productivity. ” The project involves compliance with the “European anti-poverty program,” which aims to provide economic, social and territorial cohesion, and aims to increase awareness and recognition of the fundamental rights of the poor and socially excluded, giving them a chance to live in dignity and take an active part in society. It includes fight against discrimination (e.g. people with disabilities) and the development of a new program for the integration of migrants that would enable them to use their full potential. The project is also a response to the guidelines contained in the “Strategy of development of the Lodz region 2020 “. The project involves the following objectives: to develop cooperation and exchange of experiences for educators, for the creative activity of people at risk of exclusion: senior citizens, the disabled and addicts; leveraging and expanding the professional qualifications of those working with the disabled, elderly and dependent; acquiring new skills and improving existing psychological, interpersonal and
methodological ones, necessary for the work with mentees; dissemination of modern art therapy methods of work among staff working with people at risk of marginalization and people working for these communities; more opportunities for personal development of educators participating in the project, raising self-esteem and reduce the risk of burnout. The target group will consists of educators working with people at risk of marginalization, people in charge of the educators who join the project and people working on behalf of communities at risk of marginalization. These groups will be participate in the workshops and will be shows the proper methods of work. The recipients will be indirect participants in the project dissemination activities at local and international levels. These will be both educators and mentees. The challenges mentioned at the beginning, based on careful analysis, facing each European Union country, make it possible to deal with the problems of inclusion
of marginalized people.
Educators are trained differently in the Partnership countries, and the systems of dealing with persons associated with the treatment and rehabilitation of excluded people also look different. Connecting factor is the way educators approach rehabilitation of people with these backgrounds – all the countries of the European Union must make every effort to enable as many people as possible to return to an active life in society. International cooperation gives each partner a much greater opportunity to learn and know the solutions, programs and methods that are worthy of imitation and the implementation of which will enrich the education of adults, change the way partners conceive previously used methods of work, and would guarantee the acquisition of a fuller and richer knowledge . Around 1500 persons will be involved in the project.