The Backstage project - 2015
High number of small and medium theatres in Europe, that can offer employment to young technicians with wide theatrical technical expertise;Small and medium theatres cannot afford to hire different technicians for each different backstage function; No adequate training that includes principles and techniques of main backstage professional areas; only focused training in single areas is available; Theatrical production is an attractive sector of employment for the youngsters and is an activity, which brings them self-confidence, soft skills and ability to teamwork.
Objectives: Efficient professional training for theatrical technician to NEETs with basic knowledge;
Online ICT tools for facilitating target group’s employment opportunities by improving their knowledge, skills and competences. Working mobility of people by creating an ECVET Training Course with recognized Learning Outcomes on EU level;
Project “European Partnership For Actions Involving People At Risk Of Exclusion”- EUPIN
Project USEFUL, USABILITY, DISPOSABILITY (UUD) 2015 -1-RO01-KA204-015258
Project In “Europe, with us or without us – the fate of the excluded and foreign” – 2016-1-PL01-KA204-026320
Projects KA1 – VET:
Play for Inclusion